Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Some sun and my iPod on Shuffle...

Good morning my CU family.

I hope you enjoyed my slightly crazy animal related post yesterday?

Anyway, today, I think my feet are back on 'terra firma' and I wanted to talk to you about the little things in life. The little things that are important to us. The little things that make us smile. That make us happy.

I was driving to work this morning, it was cold... But the sun was shinning. And then a song that I am thoroughly enjoying at the moment proceeded to play on my iPod.

Life was good.

I went into the office with smile on my face, and the day so far has been incredibly productive. On top of that, my smile seems to have been adopted by my team. They have been happy and productive too! (Although the sun and their iPods may take some credit for that too).

It's the little things, right? The little things that can completely change the complexion and outlook of your day. Whether it a song or some sunshine.

Now, lets think about our members. It's the little things for them too. The friendly greeting in the reception area. The: "have a great day" at the end of a phone call. Those little moments can really turn someone's day around and we shouldn't take that for granted. That text message telling a member their balance. That handshake after signing up a new member. All those things, regardless of how small, mean something to somebody. And who knows, that 'little thing' might turn someone's day into a positive one.

So lets not forget the little things. Lets put our members first. Lets make sure that they are happy. If we look after the little things for them, the big things will take care of themselves.

So next time you are speaking to a member, think: "They are a person too. The little things make a difference and I am going to help make that difference!".

Finally, I know what you are all thinking, I wrote 'little things' 11 times in this post. Sorry. Nonetheless, enjoy the song I enjoyed in my car this morning. SING ALONG:

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